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Kundalini Reiki Attunement

Possibly the simplest healing and self-development system that exists!


Kundalini means that certain healing channels and chakras have been opened, and you have thereby gained access to the Earth’s energy. The Root chakra, which is the energy center, acts as an entrance for the Kundalini energy. Also referred to as ”the Kundalini Fire”, this energy channel goes from the Root chakra to the Crown chakra on the top of the head. An open Kundalini means that over a period of time, a complete cleansing of the chakras, the body parts, and the energy channels is obtained. 

Reiki means “Universal life energy”. During the attunement, different energy centers (Chakras) and energy channels are opened/strengthened.

In the  Kundalini Reiki Activation, an additional 2 energy channels are now further activated. Starting at the root chakra, these 2 energy pathways spiral up and around the spine and out of the crown chakra. When the Kundalini is awakened, it activates the DNA. Like a tuning fork, the DNA begins to sing along with the awakened kundalini. Some of the benefits include revealing hidden gifts, our true potential,  talents from our past lives, more strength in the physical body, and healing past lives and birth trauma.

Extra attunements:

1 - Balance

2 - Diamond Reiki

 3 - Crystalline Reiki

 4 - DNA Reiki

5 - Birth trauma Reiki

6 - Location Reiki

7 - Past Life Reiki.

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